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Archif Gŵylgyfoeth 2019-2020

Enrichfest Archive 2019-2020

Gweithgareddau yn Cyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm

Medi 2019 - Gorffennaf 2020

Activities in Curriculum Enrichment

September 2019 - July 2020


JUNE 2020


Plant yn cyflwyno darluniau ysbrydoledig ar gyfer cystadleuaeth


Children submit inspirational drawings for competition

Mae Ysgolion Iach a Chyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych unwaith eto wedi cyd-weithio i helpu dod â phlant a phobl ifanc at ei gilyddd mewn Heriau Plant Creadigol wrth iddyn nhw fyw drwy COVID-19, y tro hwn trwy gwahodd artistiaid ifanc talentog i gystadlu mewn cystadleuaeth gelf gyffrous.


Meddai Paula Roberts, Cydlynydd Ysgolion Iach Sir Ddinbych, “Rydym wedi dewis y thema ‘Yr Olygfa Drwy Fy Ffenest’ fel ein her y tro hwn gan ei fod yn rhywbeth rydyn ni i gyd yn gwneud llawer ohono ar hyn o bryd. Gwahoddom blant a phobl ifanc i gyflwyno unrhyw fath o gelfyddyd gan gynnwys paentiadau, cerflunwaith, darluniau, a gludwaith ac i dynnu lluniau o'u gwaith celf. Gofynnon ni iddyn nhw ddweud wrthyn ni beth roedden nhw'n ei hoffi am yr olygfa o'u ffenestr, i roi teitl i'w gwaith celf a dweud wrthyn ni sut roedden nhw'n teimlo am greu celfyddyd.”


Dywedodd y beirniad, Siân Fitzgerald, Swyddog Celfyddydau Cymunedol Sir Ddinbych, “Gall celf fod yn ddefnyddiol mewn sawl ffordd-gall ein helpu i archwilio ein creadigrwydd, ysbrydoli a gwneud i ni wenu a'n helpu i ddarganfod pwy ydym ni mewn gwirionedd. Gall ein helpu i gysylltu ag eraill a'n hatal rhag teimlo'n unig pan fyddwn yn sownd gartref. Mae edrych allan ar yr olygfa o’n ffenest yn rhywbeth pwysig i'n dysgu ni-nid yn gymaint am yr hyn rydyn ni'n digwydd ei weld ond sut rydyn ni'n dewis edrych arno. Fe wnes i fwynhau edrych ar eu holl olygfeydd!”


Cyflwynodd arlunwyr ifanc Sir Ddinbych, rhwng 4 a 14 oed, waith celf wnaethant reu. Cafodd enillwyr pob categori oedran eu dewis ar sail eu creadigrwydd a'u gwreiddioldeb a bydd bob un yn derbyn Pecyn Celf, Paentio a Lliwio fel gwobr wych a hwyliog.




Hyd at 7 mlynedd

  • Flynn Hafwen Edwards, 4 oed, Ysgol Llanbedr



7-11 mlynedd

  • Carmella Mouradi, Blwyddyn 6, Ysgol Esgob Morgan


12-14 mlynedd

  • Evaya Hall, 12 oed, Coleg Myddelton, Dinbych

Denbighshire Healthy Schools and Curriculum Enrichment have once again teamed up to help bring children and young people together in Creative Kids Challenges as they live through COVID-19, this time inviting talented young artists to enter an exciting art competition.


Paula Roberts, Denbighshire Healthy Schools Co-ordinator said, “We’ve chose the theme ‘View From My Window’ as our challenge this time because it’s something we’re all doing a lot of at the moment. We invited children and young people to submit any type of art including paintings, sculpture, drawings, and collages and to photograph their artwork. We asked them to tell us what they liked about the view from their window, to give their artwork a title and to tell us how they felt about creating art.”



Judge, Siân Fitzgerald, Denbighshire Community Arts Development Officer said, “Art can be helpful in several ways - it can help us explore our creativity, inspire and make us smile and help us to discover who we really are. It can help us connect with others and stop us feeling lonely when we’re stuck at home. Looking out at the view from a window has something important to teach us - not so much about what we happen to see but how we choose to look at it. I really enjoyed looking at all their views!”


Denbighshire young artists, between the ages of 4 and 14, submitted their artwork creations. The winners of each age category were selected on their creativity and originality and will receive a fun and fantastic complete Drawing, Painting and Colouring Art Kit.




Up to 7 years

  • Flynn Hafwen Edwards, Age 4, Ysgol Llanbedr



7-11 years

  • Carmella Mouradi, Year 6, Ysgol Esgob Morgan

12-14 years

  • Evaya Hall, Age 12, Myddelton College, Denbigh

Cinio 'Cyfnod Cloi':

Bwydo'ch eich teulu am pumpunt

Gornest sy'n annog plant a theuluoedd

i goginio gyda'i gilydd yn ystod COVID-19

Gwahoddodd y trydydd Heriau gyffrous Plant Creadigol Sir Ddinbych i blant a phobl ifanc greu cinio iach y byddent yn ei goginio i'w teuluoedd yn ystod y ‘Cyfnod Cloi’ - cymaint o gyrsiau ag yr oeddent yn dymuno - am ddim mwy na £5.


Meddai Paula Roberts, Cydlynydd Ysgolion Iach Sir Ddinbych, “Rydym yn gobeithio ysbrydoli plant a phobl ifanc ledled Sir Ddinbych i fynd ati i goginio mewn cystadleuaeth llawn hwyl a phleserus. Nod yr her hon yw canfod ac annog cogyddion ifanc talentog sydd â dawn i wneud bwyd eithriadol o'r dechrau. Mae hefyd yn ffordd ddelfrydol o annog plant i roi cynnig ar brydau bwyd newydd sy'n cynnwys cynhwysion iach fel ffrwythau a llysiau.”


Dywedodd y beirniad, Teleri Owen, Athrawes Technoleg Bwyd yn Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych, “Rydw i wedi cael fy ysbrydoli gan angerdd y bobl ifanc am goginio a'u creadigrwydd. Rwyf wedi cael fy nghymell i roi cynnig ar rai o'r prydau gyda fy nheulu ar ôl gweld y creadigaethau coginio y mae'r plant wedi'u datblygu. Mae'n wych gwybod ein bod yn helpu i ysbrydoli cenedlaethau'r dyfodol i wneud dewisiadau bwyd cadarnhaol.”


Cyflwynodd plant Sir Ddinbych rhwng 4 a 14 oed eu creadigaethau iachus a blasus. Dewiswyd yr enillwyr ar sail eu gwerth maethol, eu blas a'u gwreiddioldeb. Bydd pob un yn derbyn copi o ‘Nadiya's Bake Me a Story: Fifteen stories and recipes for children’, cyfuniad unigryw o lyfr stori a llyfr coginio gan seren y gyfres teledu: ‘Great British Bake Off’, Nadiya Hussain, sy’n dod â theuluoedd i mewn i'r gegin i dreulio amser gyda'i gilydd, gan rannu straeon efo coginio.


Hyd at 7 mlynedd

  • Caitlin Chatterton, Bl.2, Ysgol Babanod Llanelwy


7-11 oed - Cyd-enillwyr

  • Emilia Roberts, Bl.4, Ysgol Llywelyn, Y Rhyl

  • Emelia Williams, Bl.6, Ysgol Borthyn, Rhuthun


12-14 mlynedd

  • Isla Thomson, Bl.7, Ysgol Santes Ffraid, Dinbych

'Lockdown' Lunch:

Feed your family for a fiver

Contest encourages children and families

to cook together during COVID-19

The third exciting Denbighshire Creative Kids Challenges invited children and young people to invent a healthy lunch they would cook for their family during ‘lockdown’ - as many courses as they liked - for no more than £5.


Paula Roberts, Denbighshire Healthy Schools Co-ordinator said, “We hope to inspire children and young people throughout Denbighshire to get cooking in what promises to be an aspirational, fun and enjoyable cooking contest. This challenge aims to find and encourage talented young cooks who have a flair for making exceptional food from scratch. It’s also an ideal way to encourage children to try new dishes that include healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables.”


Judge, Teleri Owen, Teacher of Food Technology at Denbigh High School, said, “I’ve been inspired by the youngsters’ passion for cooking and their creativity. I’ve been motivated to try some of the dishes with my family after seeing the culinary creations the children have developed. It’s wonderful knowing that we are helping to inspire future generations to make positive food choices.”


Denbighshire children between the ages of 4 and 14 submitted their healthy and tasty creations. The winners were selected on nutritional value, taste and originality. Each will receive a copy of ‘Nadiya's Bake Me a Story: Fifteen stories and recipes for children’, a unique combination of storybook and cookbook by ‘Great British Bake Off’ sensation Nadiya Hussain, bringing families into the kitchen to spend time together, sharing stories and cooking.

Up to 7 years

  • Caitlin Chatterton, Y2, St Asaph VP Infants


7-11 years - Joint Winners

  • Emilia Roberts, Y4, Ysgol Llywelyn, Rhyl

  • Emelia Williams, Y6, Ysgol Borthyn, Ruthin


12-14 years

  • Isla Thomson, Y7, St Brigid’s School, Denbigh

MAI 2020

Her Plant Creadigol Sir Ddinbych Dylunio Crys-T

- mae gennym ein enillwyr!

Yn gynharach y mis hwn, lansiodd Menter Ysgolion Iach a Chyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych, gystadleuaeth dylunio crys-t, gan wahodd plant a phobl ifanc Sir Ddinbych i ddod o hyd i negeseuon gobeithiol a delweddau lliwgar i'w helpu i oresgyn rhai o'r rhwystrau a achosir gan bellhau a hunanunigedd cymdeithasol, yn ystod y cyfyngiadau COVID-19 presennol.


Meddai Paula Roberts, Cydlynydd Ysgolion Iach Sir Ddinbych, “Roedden ni eisiau i bobl ifanc deimlo'n gysylltiedig â'i gilydd o hyd yn y ffordd ‘newydd arferol’ hon o fyw a dweud wrthyn ni am bobl fod yn gryf, yn garedig ac yn dda hyd yn oed mewn cyfnod anodd. Mae'r ymateb wedi bod yn anhygoel, gyda rhai dyluniadau crys-T gwych.


Meddai'r beirniad, Catrin Hughes, Swyddog Cyfathrebu Mewnol a Rheoli Ymgyrch Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, “Mae gennym ni rai pobl ifanc dalentog iawn yn Sir Ddinbych ac ’roedd eu dyluniadau i gyd yn wych. Roedd llawer o waith caled, ymdrech a dawn dylunio wedi mynd i'r crysau-T, ac roedd hi'n gystadleuaeth anodd iawn i'w farnu.”


Rydym yn hapus iawn i gyhoeddi mai'r tri dylunydd buddugol yw:-

Hyd at 7 mlwydd oed

  • Olivia Bloom, Blwyddyn 1, Ysgol Llywelyn, Y Rhyl


7-11 mlwydd oed

  • Emelia Williams, Blwyddyn 6, Ysgol Borthyn, Rhuthun


12-14 mlwydd oed

  • Cari Cattell, Blwyddyn 8, Ysgol Brynhyfryd, Rhuthun


Bydd y dyluniadau buddugol yn cael eu hargraffu ar grysau-T.


Llongyfarchiadau Olivia, Emelia a Cari! Bydd eich crysau-T ar eu ffordd i chi yn fuan iawn!


Edrychwch allan am lansiad her nesaf Plant Creadigol Sir Ddinbych Dydd Llun 18 Mai 2020 - Cinio ‘Lockdown’: Bwydo’ch teulu am pumpunt!



Gobeithio y bydd mwy o heriau creadigol i edrych amdanynt yn y dyfodol yn ystod yr egwyl bresennol o'r ysgol.

MAY 2020

Denbighshire Creative Kids Design a T-shirt Challenge

- we have our winners!

Earlier this month, Denbighshire Healthy Schools and Curriculum Enrichment Initiative, launched a t-shirt design competition, inviting Denbighshire’s children and young people to come up with hopeful messages and colourful images to help them overcome some of the barriers caused by social distancing and self-isolation, during the current COVID-19 restrictions.


Paula Roberts, Denbighshire Healthy Schools Co-ordinator said, “We wanted young people to still feel connected with each other in this ‘new normal’ way of life and tell us about people being strong, kind and good even in difficult times. The response has been simply amazing, with some fantastic T-shirt designs.”


The judge, Catrin Hughes, Denbighshire County Council’s Internal Communications and Campaign Management Officer, said, “We have some very talented young people in Denbighshire and their designs were all brilliant. A lot of hard work, effort and design flair had gone into the T-shirts, and it was a really difficult competition to judge.”


We are very happy to announce that the three winning designers are:-

Up to 7 years

  • Olivia Bloom, Year 1, Ysgol Llywelyn, Rhyl


7-11 years

  • Emelia Williams, Year 6, Ysgol Borthyn, Ruthin


12-14 years

  • Cari Cattell, Year 8, Ysgol Brynhyfryd, Ruthin


The winning designs will be printed on t-shirts.


Congratulations Olivia, Emelia and Cari! Your t-shirts will be on their way to you very shortly!


Look out for the launch of the next exciting Denbighshire Creative Kids Challenges on Monday 18 May 2020 - it’s a cooking one - ‘Lockdown’ Lunch - Feed your family for a fiver!


Hopefully, there will be more creative challenges to look out for in the future during the current break from school.


APRIL 2020

Her Coginio Plant Creadigol Sir Ddinbych

Mae ychydig o Gystadleuaeth Coginio yn Iach

Denbighshire Creative Kids Cooking Challenges

A little Cooking Competition is Healthy

Mae Menter Ysgolion Iach a Chyfoethogi'r Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych wedi manteisio ar y cyfle i osod heriau coginio i blant a phobl ifanc er mwyn eu helpu i gael trwy COVID-19.

Yn yr her gyntaf - 'FLAVOUR’ITE BITES', gwahoddwyd plant a phobl ifanc Sir Ddinbych i ddangos eu sgiliau coginio ac i roi argraff dda i Jane Jones, Cogydd Ysgol Ysgol Twm o'r Nant, Dinbych a Chogydd y Flwyddyn, Cymru 2020, trwy ddod o hyd i syniad o beth fyddai eu hoff gymeriad llyfr, teledu neu ffilm yn hoffi ei fwyta. Roedd y byrbrydau i fod yn iach, yn hawdd ac yn hwyl i'w gwneud, yn flasus iawn ac wedi eu cyflwyno'n dda ar blât. Cafodd pob cais ei gyflwyno drwy e-bost, gan restru cynhwysion, dewis a rysáit y byrbryd, enw'r byrbryd, yn ogystal â ffotograff ohono. 


Meddai Paula Roberts, Cydlynydd Ysgolion Iach Sir Ddinbych, “gall plant a phobl ifanc goginio a chystadlu mewn ffyrdd sy'n eu hannog i roi cynnig ar fwydydd newydd a chael hwyl wrth greu byrbrydau iach. Mae helpu yn y gegin yn meithrin hyder ac yn annog annibyniaeth, yn ogystal â bod yn gyfraniad gwerthfawr i'r teulu. Nid yn unig rydym eisiau i blant a phobl ifanc ddysgu sgiliau coginio a diogelwch, rydym hefyd eisiau iddyn nhw fwynhau creu ac arbrofi a blasu! Dyna beth mae'r heriau coginio creadigol hyn yn ei feddwl-trio bwydydd newydd, creu bwyd unigryw, a threulio amser yn y gegin.”


Wrth sôn am y nifer fawr o geisiadau a ddaeth i law, dywedodd Jane Jones, beirniad y gystadleuaeth, “Cawsom ystod drawiadol o geisiadau yn cynrychioli safon uchel o waith ac ymdrech. Roedd yr holl brydau a grëwyd gan y plant a'r bobl ifanc yn edrych yn wych, gan ddangos defnydd eang o gynhwysion. Efallai y bydd rhaid i mi ddefnyddio rhai o'r rhain yn yr ysgol! Roedd yn anodd iawn dewis enillwyr ond ar ôl llawer o grafu pen, dewisais yr enillwyr canlynol ym mhob categori” -


Hyd at 7 mlwydd oed

Milly Clarke, Bl 2, Ysgol Gymunedol Bodnant


7-11 mlwydd oed

Annie Evans, Bl 6, Ysgol Carreg Emlyn


12-14 mlwydd oed

Isla Thomson, Y7, Ysgol Santes Ffraid

Denbighshire Healthy Schools and Curriculum Enrichment Initiative have taken the liberty of whipping up cooking challenges for children and young people to help them get through COVID-19.


In the first challenge - ‘FLAVOUR’-ITE BITES’, Denbighshire children and young people were invited to show off their culinary skills and impress top judge, Jane Jones, School Cook at Ysgol Twm o’r Nant, Denbigh and Wales Cook of the Year 2020, by coming up with an idea of what their favourite book, TV or movie character would like to eat. The snacks were to be healthy, easy and fun to make, super-tasty and well-presented on a plate. All entries were submitted by e-mail, listing ingredients, snack recipe, choice and name of snack, accompanied by a photograph. 


Paula Roberts, Denbighshire Healthy Schools Co-ordinator said, “Children and young people can cook and compete in ways that encourage them to try new foods and have fun creating healthy snacks. Helping in the kitchen builds confidence and encourages independence, plus it’s a valuable contribution to the family. Not only do we want children and young people to learn cooking and safety skills, we want them to enjoy creating and experimenting and tasting! That’s what these Creative Cooking Challenges are all about - trying new foods, creating unique dishes, and spending time in the kitchen”.


Commenting on the large number of entries received, Jane Jones, competition judge said, “We received an impressive range of entries representing an excellent standard of work and effort. All the dishes created by the children and young people looked terrific, showing great use of ingredients. I might have to use try some of these at school! It was very difficult to pick out winners but after a lot of head-scratching, I chose the following winners in each category” -


Up to 7 years

Milly Clarke, Y2, Bodnant Community School


7-11 years

Annie Evans, Y6, Ysgol Carreg Emlyn


12-14 years

Isla Thomson, Y7, St Brigid’s School

 MAWRTH 2020

MARCH 2020

Dewch i Goginio 2020 Sir Ddinbych - Cystadleuaeth Coginio i ysgolion ar agor

Caiff pobl ifanc rhwng 7 ac 14 oed gyfle i ddisglerio yn y gegin gyda chystadleuaeth ar ffurf MasterChef, 'Dewch i Goginio'

Dros y 4 blynedd diwethaf, mae cystadleuaeth goginio ysgolion blynyddol Sir Ddinbych wedi denu a meithrin talent ifanc. Gyda chymorth noddwyr a chefnogwyr o'r un farn, mae'r gystadleuaeth wedi parhau i dyfu o nerth i nerth.

Denbighshire Come & Cook 2020 -

Cooking contest for schools now open

Young people aged 7 to 14 years have the chance to shine in the kitchen with MasterChef-style competition, 'Come & Cook'

Over the past 4 years, Denbighshire’s annual schools cooking competition has attracted and nurtured young talent. With the help of like-minded sponsors and supporters, the competition has continued to grow from strength to strength.

Eleni, yn unol â ‘Chanllaw Bwyta'n Iach’ i hyrwyddo bwyta'n iach, mae Gwasanaethau Addysg a Phlant Sir Ddinbych yn ail-frandio'r gystadleuaeth o dan y teitl ‘Dewch i Goginio’. Ei nod yw annog cogyddion ifanc i ddarganfod eu bwyd lleol ac i ddatblygu sgiliau coginio'r genhedlaeth nesaf.


Meddai Paula Roberts, Cydlynydd Ysgolion Iach Cyngor Sir Ddinbych: “Rydyn ni'n cefnogi'r gystadleuaeth goginio yma gan ei bod yn ffordd wych i bobl ifanc ddangos eu sgiliau a'u brwdfrydedd am goginio trwy ddefnyddio cynhwysion lleol a iach.”


Dywedodd Sarah Dixon, Cydlynydd Menter Cyfoethogi’r Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych: “Rydyn ni mor gyffrous i gael bwrw ymlaen ar gyfer cystadleuaeth 2020 Dewch i Goginio a gwahoddwn ysgolion a phobl ifanc i ddechrau meddwl am y ryseitiau a'u profi ar unwaith.”

Mae Dewch i Goginio 2020 Sir Ddinbych yn agored i unrhyw berson ifanc sy'n mynychu ysgol awdurdod lleol o fewn Sir Ddinbych, rhwng 7 a 14 oed. Y briff yw gweithio i greu bwydlen sy'n defnyddio cymaint o gynhwysion a gynhyrchir yn lleol â phosibl. Bydd y gystadleuaeth yn herio disgyblion i ddysgu am o ble mae eu bwyd yn dod ac archwilio cynnyrch tymhorol a chynaladwy lleol. Gwahoddir cogyddion ifanc i gystadlu Rownd 1 y gystadleuaeth yn eu hysgolion, gyda'r dyddiad cau Ddydd Gwener 12 Mehefin 2020. Wedi hynny, bydd enillwyr ysgolion yn cael eu gwahodd i goginio prydau ar gyfer Panel o arbenigwyr yn y Rownd derfynol gyffrous ar ffurf MasterChef a gynhelir yn Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych, ddiwedd Mehefin 2020.

This year, in line with the ‘Eatwell Guide’ to promote healthy eating, Denbighshire Education and Children’s Services is rebranding the competition under the title of ‘Come & Cook’. Its aim is to encourage young cooks to discover their local food and to develop the next generation's cooking skills.


Paula Roberts, Denbighshire Healthy Schools Co-ordinator said: “We’re supporting this cooking competition because it’s such an amazing way for young people to demonstrate their skills and their passion about cooking by using ingredients that are local and healthy.”


Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment Initiative Co-ordinator, Sarah Dixon said: “We’re so excited to get the ball rolling for the 2020 Come & Cook contest and would invite schools and young people to start thinking about and road-testing the recipes immediately.”


Denbighshire Come & Cook 2020 is open to any young person attending a Denbighshire Local Authority School, aged between 7 and 14. The brief is to work to create a menu using as many locally produced ingredients as possible. The competition will challenge pupils to learn about where their food comes from and explore the key issues of seasonality and sustainability. Young cooks are invited to enter Round 1 of the competition in their school, with a closing date of Friday 12 June 2020. Thereafter, school winners will be invited to cook dishes for a VIP panel at an exciting live MasterChef-style final, hosted by Denbigh High School, at the end of June 2020.

'Dreigiau Direidus'/'Mischievous Dragons'

Prosiect llythrennedd yn Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn

Drwy gydol mis Mawrth 2020, mae disgyblion Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Dinbych, am ysgwyd eu cynffonau, anadlu tân a chael hwyl. Bydd disgyblion cynradd yr ysgol yn mwynhau rhai o anturiaethau dreigiau sy’n rhuo, wrth iddyn nhw adael eu dychymyg i hedfan, mewn prosiect iaith a llythrennedd dwyieithog, gyda chefnogaeth Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Cyngor Sir Ddinbych.


Mae ‘Tell Me a Dragon' gan Jackie Morris, awdur llyfrau plant Sir Benfro a'r darlunydd a ‘Ga’ i Hanes Ddraig’, a chyfieithiad Cymraeg o'r llyfr hudol hwn gan Yr Athro Mererid Hopwood, wedi ysbrydoli prosiect ‘Dreigiau Direidu’ / ‘Mischievous Dragons’. Wedi'i warantu i gyffroi darllenwyr ifanc yn yr ysgol ac i gynnau eu dychymyg, mae'r prosiect hwn yn cynnig posibiliadau diddiwedd i blant greu byd o ddreigiau yn eu dosbarth. 

Yn ystod y prosiect pum wythnos hwn, bydd Magic Light Productions, cwmni cynhyrchu theatrig a leolir ym Mae Colwyn, yn creu byd hudolus yn Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, lle bydd myfyrwyr yn cael eu hysbrydoli i greu eu dreigiau gwych eu hunain o wahanol siapiau, meintiau ac arbenigeddau (tân, rhew, gwynt, ac ati) a dysgu mwy amdanyn nhw drwy gyfres o sesiynau adrodd storïau sy'n seiliedig ar sgiliau, pypedau, hud, cerddoriaeth a drama.

Gwyddom fod dreigiau yn anadlu ac yn chwifio'u cynffonnau ond maent hefyd yn mwynhau parti da ac, fel diweddglo cyffrous i'r prosiect, mae Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn yn cynnal ymweliad arbennig gan yr awdur plant Cymreig, bardd a chyfieithydd y llyfr ‘Tell Me a Dragon’/’Ga’ i Hanes Ddraig’, Yr Athro Mererid Hopwood, Ddydd Llun 30 Mawrth 2020, ynghyd ag arddangosfa a pherfformiad/cyflwyniad yn yr ysgol ar gyfer rhieni, gofalwyr a'r gymuned ehangach. Fel rhan o'r dathliadau, bydd disgyblion hefyd yn mwynhau cinio ysgol gyda thema Draig, helfa wyau Draig a sioe ffilmiau.

'Dreigiau Direidus'/'Mischievous Dragons'

A literacy project at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn

Throughout March 2020, pupils at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, Denbigh are in for some tail-shaking, fire-breathing, wing flapping fun. Primary age pupils at the school will enjoy some dragon-roaring adventures, as they let their imagination soar, in a bilingual language and literacy project, supported by Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment Initiative.


‘Tell Me a Dragon’ by Jackie Morris, Pembrokeshire-based children's book author and illustrator and ‘Ga’ i Hanes Ddraig’, the Welsh translation of this magical book by Dr Mererid Hopwood, has inspired ‘Dreigiau Direidus’ / ‘Mischievous Dragons’ project. Guaranteed to excite young readers at the school and ignite their imaginations, this project offers endless possibilities for children to create a world of dragons in their classroom. 

During this five week project, Magic Light Productions, a Colwyn Bay based theatrical production company, will conjure up an enchanted world at Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn, where students will be inspired to create their own wonderful dragons of varied shapes, sizes and specialities (fire, ice, wind, etc) and learn more about them through a series of ‘egg-citing’ skills-based storytelling, puppetry, magic, music and drama workshops.


Dragons may breathe fire and wave their spiky tails but they also love a good party and, as a thrilling finale to the project, Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn will be hosting a special visit by celebrated Welsh children’s author, poet and translator of ‘Tell Me a Dragon’/‘Ga’ i Hanes Ddraig’, Dr Mererid Hopwood, on Monday 30 March 2020, together with an exhibition and performance/presentation at the school for parents, carers and the wider community. As part of the celebrations, pupils will also be treated to a dragon-themed school lunch, Dragon Egg Hunt and film show.

 IONAWR 2020

Gŵylgyfoeth 2020: 'Dros yr Enfys' Lansiad Swyddogol

“Rydym ar ein ffordd i weld y Dewin,

Dewin Gwlad yr Os!”

Bob blwyddyn, ers 2014, mae Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych wedi dod â chyffro gŵyl thema flynyddol Gŵylgyfoeth i ysgolion, lle mae cystadlaethau, gweithdai, arddangosfeydd, ‘Dyddiau Trosfeddiannu’ a pherfformiadau theatrig ‘pop-up’ wedi plesio ac ennyn diddordeb plant a phobl ifanc wrth ddysgu ar draws y cwricwlwm yn greadigol, mewn ffyrdd newydd ac arloesol.


Nid yw Gŵylgyfoeth 2020 eleni: ‘Dros yr Enfys’ yn eithriad, gyda’i olwg hudolus hyfryd ar lyfr plant clasurol 1900 L. Frank Baum, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ - ‘Dewin Gwlad yr Os’. 


Efallai bod y mwyafrif ohonom yn gyfarwydd â'r stori oesol a swynol hon, ond bydd Gŵylgyfoeth 2020: ‘Dros yr Enfys’ yn ein hatgoffa o'r llawenydd o ddilyn Ffordd y Brics Melyn gyda Dorothy a'i chi bach Toto, y Bwgan Brain, y Dyn Tun a'r Dyn Llew Llwfr, wrth iddynt deithio trwy fyd Os wedi'i ail-ddychmygu.

Mae Gŵylgyfoeth 2020: ‘Dros yr Enfys’ yn gwahodd anturiaethwyr ifanc uchelgeisiol o 11 ysgolion ledled Sir Ddinbych i deithio ar hyd eu Ffordd Brics Melyn eu hunain i Os, gan ddefnyddio eu dychymyg, eu harloesedd a’u creadigrwydd, trwy gymryd rhan mewn cyfres o gystadlaethau cyffrous a heriol.


Fel gwefr ychwanegol, bydd Magic Light Productions, y tîm creadigol y tu ôl i Gŵylgyfoeth 2020: ‘Dros yr Enfys’, yn mewnbynnu gwaith plant ysgol Sir Ddinbych i'w perfformiadau theatrig ‘pop-up’ o ‘The Magic of Oz’, sy'n teithio ysgolion Sir Ddinbych o 9fed-25ain Mehefin 2020.


Yn addas ar gyfer pob oedran a gallu, mae Gŵylgyfoeth 2020: ‘Dros yr Enfys’ yn addo chwisgio pawb sy’n cymryd rhan ar daith corwynt o Sir Ddinbych i Os ac yn ôl adref eto.


Felly, rhowch ar eich sliperi arian (doedden nhw ddim yn rai rhuddem fel yn y fersiwn ffilm Technicolour o'r stori ym 1939) a pharatowch ar gyfer dilyn y ffordd brics melyn. Pwy a ŵyr beth fyddwch chi'n ei ddarganfod?


Denbighshire's Enrichfest 2020: 'Over the Rainbow' Official Launch

“We're off to see the Wizard,

the Wonderful Wizard of Oz!”

Each year, since 2014, Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment initiative has brought the excitement of an annual themed Enrichfest festival to schools, whereby competitions, workshops, showcases, Takeovers and ‘pop-up’ theatrical performances have delighted and engaged children and young people in learning across the curriculum creatively, in new and innovative ways.


This year’s Enrichfest 2020: ‘Over the Rainbow’ is no exception, with its magically delightful take on the classic 1900 L. Frank Baum’s children’s book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.


Most of us may be familiar with this timeless and charming story, but Enrichfest 2020: ‘Over the Rainbow’ will remind us of the joy of following the Yellow Brick Road with Dorothy and her little dog Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, as they travel through the re-imagined world of Oz.


Enrichfest 2020: ‘Over the Rainbow’ invites ambitious young adventurers from 11 schools across Denbighshire to travel along their own Yellow Brick Road to Oz, using their imagination, innovation and creativity, by entering a series of exciting and challenging competitions.


As an added thrill, Magic Light Productions, the creative team behind Enrichfest 2020: ‘Over the Rainbow’, will input work by Denbighshire schoolchildren themselves into its ‘pop-up’ theatrical performances of ‘The Magic of Oz’, touring Denbighshire schools from 9th - 25th June 2020.


Suitable for all ages and abilities, Enrichfest 2020: ‘Over the Rainbow’ promises to whisk all who take part on a whirlwind journey from Denbighshire to Oz and back home again.


So put on your silver slippers (they weren't ruby until the 1939 Technicolor movie version of the story) and get ready to follow the yellow brick road. Who knows what you’ll discover?

MEDI 2019

'Rhannwch Dudalen'

Prosiect Darllen newn Ysgolion

"Nid oes y fath beth â phlentyn sy'n casáu darllen; dim ond plant sydd heb gael y llyfr cywir."


Frank Serafini


Gyda phenodiad Cressida Cowell fel Awdures Llawryfog i Blant, Cwmni Waterstones (Gorffennaf 2019) ac ar achlysur dadorchuddio ei Siarter: “Rhestr Fawr o bethau i'w gwneud", sy'n pwysleisio pwysicrwydd hawl bob plentyn i "fod yn berchen ar eu llyfr eu hunain", i dderbyn “darlleniadau llafar ar eu cyfer” ac i “weld eu hunain yn cael eu hadlewyrchu mewn llyfr", mae Menter Cyfoethogi Cwricwlwm Sir Ddinbych wedi ddilyn esiampl Siarter Ms Cowell ac wedi gwneud rhai newidiadau i'w Cynllun Mentora Darllen gwirfoddol ei hun.


'Share a Page'

Reading in Schools Project

“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.”

Frank Serafini

With the appointment of Cressida Cowell as Waterstones’ Children’s Laureate (July 2019) and the unveiling of her Laureate Charter; a “giant to-do list”, asserting every child’s right to “own their own book”, to “be read aloud to” and to “see themselves reflected in a book”, Denbighshire Curriculum Enrichment Initiative has taken a leaf out of Ms Cowell’s Charter and made a few amendments to its own volunteer reading mentoring scheme.

Drwy ddarparu cymorth unigol wythnosol i blant ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd, mae Prosiect Darllen mewn Ysgolion Sir Ddinbych, ‘Rhannwch Dudalen’, yn anelu at hyrwyddo darllen drwy eu hannog i ddarganfod hud llyfrau a dod yn ddarllenwyr mwy hyderus gyda gwirfoddolwr darllen drwy gydol y flwyddyn ysgol. Mae hefyd yn anelu at helpu i gynyddu lefelau darllen a chyrhaeddiad llythrennedd, meithrin cariad at ddarllen ac agwedd gadarnhaol i ddysgu.


Mae'r Prosiect Darllen ‘Rhannwch Dudalen’ mewn Ysgolion yn rhoi cyfle i blant ddatblygu eu sgiliau iaith a chyfathrebu, yn ogystal â chynyddu eu hunan-hyder, eu hunan-barch a'u sgiliau cymdeithasol.


Mae pump o ysgolion Sir Ddinbych yn cymryd rhan yn y prosiect eleni - Ysgol Uwchradd Dinbych, Ysgol Pendref, Ysgol Bodfari, Ysgol Llanbedr ac Ysgol Borthyn.


Mae'n rhoi boddhad:

Teimlo boddhad o wybod eich bod chi’n gwneud gwahaniaeth a bod y plant yn edrych ymlaen at eich ymweliadau.   


“Mae gweld y plant yn dod yn fwy brwdfrydig a hyderus wrth i'r wythnosau fynd heibio; maent yn mynd yn llai swil ac yn gofyn cwestiynau, i gymharu â'r wythnos gyntaf, roeddent yn dawel iawn.”


A dyma beth sydd gan y plant i'w ddweud:

Mae'n garedig iawn i chi ddod i'n hysgol a gwrando arna i yn darllen. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at eich gweld ac mae'n fy helpu i ddarllen.

By providing weekly individual support to primary and secondary school children, Denbighshire’s Reading in Schools Project, ‘Share a Page’, aims to promote reading by encouraging them to discover the magic of books and become more confident readers with a reading volunteer throughout the school year. It also aims to help increase reading levels and literacy attainment, foster a love of reading and a positive attitude to learning.


‘Share a Page’ Reading in Schools Project provides children with an opportunity to develop their language and communication skills, as well as increase their self-confidence, self-esteem and social skills.


Five Denbighshire schools are taking part in this year’s project - Denbigh High School, Ysgol Pendref, Ysgol Bodfari, Ysgol Llanbedr and Ysgol Borthyn.


It’s rewarding:

Knowing you’re making a difference and that the children look forward to your visits is really rewarding.


“Seeing the children become more enthusiastic and confident as the weeks go by; they become less shy and ask questions, whereas compared to the first week, they were really quiet.”

And here’s what the children have to say:

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