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Cerddoriaeth Music


  1. Hwb - Dysgu ac addysgu i Gymru - Cwricwlwm Cymru ac offer a deunyddiau addysgol am ddim / Learning and teaching for Wales - the Curriculum for Wales and free educational tools and materials

  2. BBC Bitesize - i helpu gyda'ch gwaith cartref, eich diwygiad a'ch dysgu / to help with your homework, revision and learning

  3. Twinkl - Adnoddau Cynradd - CA2, CA1, Blynyddoedd Cynnar / Primary Resources - KS2, KS1, Early Years

  4. BBC Teach - BBC Teach Live - dosbarthiadau byw ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd. Archwilio ystod o wersi rhyngweithiol wedi'u mapio gan y cwricwlwm ar gyfer disgyblion oedran cynradd. Plant 5-11 oed / Lessons for primary schools. Explore a range of curriculum-mapped interactive lessons for primary-aged pupils. 5-11-year-olds

  5. CBBC - chwarae gemau plant ar-lein am ddim, gwyliwch eich hoff sioeau, sgwrsio ag enwogion ac ymuno â'r hwyl / play free online kids games, watch your favourite shows, chat with celebrities and join in with the fun

  6. Cwmni Cydweithredol Cerddoriaeth Sir Ddinbych / Denbighshire Music Co-operative - sefydliad di-elw arobryn, sy'n darparu hyfforddiant cerddoriaeth o safon yn ardal Sir Ddinbych / award-winning, not-for-profit organisation, providing quality music tuition in the Denbighshire area

  7. Only Boys Aloud - sy'n cynnwys tua 240 o fechgyn yn mynychu 14 côr ledled Cymru, o Gaergybi i Gwmbrân / made up of some 240 boys attending 14 choirs across Wales, from Holyhead to Cwmbran

  8. Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Ieuenctid Cymru / National Youth Orchestra for Wales - profiad hyfforddi o'r radd flaenaf i berfformiadau, gan weithio gyda cherddorion proffesiynol uchel eu parch / first-class training experience into performances, working with esteemed, professional musicians

  9. BBC Ten Pieces - menter gyffrous i fyfyrwyr oedran cynradd ac uwchradd dan arweiniad BBC Learning a Grwpiau Perfformio'r BBC / an exciting initiative for primary and secondary age students led by BBC Learning and the BBC Performing Groups

  10. Cwmni Opera Canolbarth Cymru / Mid Wales Opera Company - passionate about opera, taking inspiring productions into theatres and spaces where live opera is rarely seen and bringing it to new audiences

  11. Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru - Opera i Deuluoedd / Welsh National Opera - Opera for Families

  12. Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Ieuenctid Prydain Fawr / National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain - Cerddorfa fwyaf y byd o bobl ifanc yn eu harddegau / the world's greatest orchestra of teenagers

  13. BBC Now Cymraeg / BBC Now - rhaglen ddysgu brysur ac arloesol gan Gerddorfa Genedlaethol a Chorws Cymru y BBC / busy and innovative learning programme from the BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales

  14. BBC Proms - Gŵyl Gerdd Glasurol Greaprawf y Byd / the World’s Greatest Classical Music Festival

  15. Royal Opera House - profi perfformiadau syfrdanol o gerddoriaeth a dawns / experience stunning performances of music and dance

  16. Nicola Benedetti Foundation - gweithdai trawsnewidiol yn seiliedig ar gerddorfa ar gyfer pobl ifanc ac athrawon, gan arddangos sut y gall Addysg Cerddoriaeth ar ei gorau edrych a theimlo fel / transformative orchestra-based workshops for young people and teachers, showcasing what Music Education at its best can look and feel like

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