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Celf a Dylunio

Art & Design 


  1. Hwb - Dysgu ac addysgu i Gymru - Cwricwlwm Cymru ac offer a deunyddiau addysgol am ddim / Learning and teaching for Wales - the Curriculum for Wales and free educational tools and materials

  2. BBC Bitesize - i helpu gyda'ch gwaith cartref, eich diwygiad a'ch dysgu / to help with your homework, revision and learning

  3. Twinkl - Adnoddau Cynradd - CA2, CA1, Blynyddoedd Cynnar / Primary Resources - KS2, KS1, Early Years

  4. BBC Teach - BBC Teach Live - dosbarthiadau byw ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd. Archwilio ystod o wersi rhyngweithiol wedi'u mapio gan y cwricwlwm ar gyfer disgyblion oedran cynradd. Plant 5-11 oed / Lessons for primary schools. Explore a range of curriculum-mapped interactive lessons for primary-aged pupils. 5-11-year-olds

  5. Canolfan Grefft Rhuthun / Ruthin Craft Centre - sydd wedi'i lleoli yn nhref farchnad hanesyddol Rhuthun Gogledd Cymru. Canolfan Grefft Rhuthun yn dangos y gorau mewn celfyddydau cyfoes cenedlaethol a Rhyngwladol / located in the historic, market town of Ruthin North Wales. Ruthin Craft Centre shows the best in national and international contemporary applied arts

  6. Lady Lever Art Gallery - paentio a cherflun o'r 18fed ganrif ym Mhrydain a'r 19eg ganrif, celfyddyd Cyn-Raphaelite, casgliad dodrefn gwych, porcelu Tsieineaidd a jasper Wedgwood / British 18th- and 19th-century painting and sculpture, Pre-Raphaelite art, a marvellous furniture collection, Chinese porcelain and Wedgwood jasper ware

  7. National Portrait Gallery (NPG) - yr Oriel sy'n dal y casgliad mwyaf helaeth o bortreadau yn y byd. Chwiliwch dros 215,000 o weithiau, a dangosir 150,000 ohonynt o'r 16eg Ganrif hyd heddiw / the Gallery holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world. Search over 215,000 works, 150,000 of which are illustrated from the 16th Century to the present day

  8. Amgueddfa Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) - prif amgueddfa gelf, dylunio a pherfformiad y byd. Darganfyddwch arddangosfeydd wedi'u curo ac archwilio celf a diwylliant ar ei orau / the world's leading museum of art, design and performance. Discover curated exhibitions and explore art and culture at its finest

  9. The National Gallery - amgueddfa gelf yng Nghanol Llundain, sy'n cynnwys casgliad o dros 2,300 o baentiadau sy'n dyddio o ganol y 13eg ganrif i 1900 / an art museum in Central London, housing a collection of over 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900

  10. Royal Academy of Arts - sydd wedi'i lleoli yng nghanol Llundain, yn fan lle mae celf yn cael ei wneud, ei arddangos a'i thrafod / located in the heart of London, is a place where art is made, exhibited and debated

  11. Tate Liverpool - oriel gelf ac amgueddfa yn Lerpwl, Glannau Mersi, a rhan o Tate, ynghyd â Tate St Ives, Cernyw, Tate Britain, Llundain, a Tate Modern, Llundain / an art gallery and museum in Liverpool, Merseyside, and part of Tate, along with Tate St Ives, Cornwall, Tate Britain, London, and Tate Modern, London

  12. Nathan Wyburn - artist o Gymru a phersonoliaeth y cyfryngau sydd wedi creu portreadau enwogion a delweddau diwylliant pop gan ddefnyddio cyfryngau / a Welsh artist and media personality who has created celebrity portraits and pop culture imagery using non-traditional media such as foodstuffs and other household items, most notably working with Marmite on toast!

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