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Cyfoethogi Dysgu


Bwriad Gwasanaethau Cyfoethogi yw gweithio ar draws holl sbectrwm y cwricwlwm Addysg, gan ychwanegu gwerth at brofiad plant yn y dosbarth.   Mae Cydlynydd Cyfoethogi yn dylunio, datblygu, buddsoddi i mewn i a hwyluso rhaglen gydlynol o brofiadau creadigol addysgol a diwylliannol o ansawdd uchel i blant a phobl ifanc.  Mae'r fenter dysgu creadigol hwn yn cyfoethogi eu bywydau ac yn gweithredu fel estyniad amhrisiadwy i'r ystafell ddosbarth, yn rhagweithiol yn annog a chefnogi plant a phobl ifanc i wireddu eu potensial.


Mae Gwasanaethau Cyfoethogi yn ymrwymo i weithio mewn partneriaeth gyda Pennaethiad, llywodraethwyr, athrawon, disgyblion, rhieni, cymunedau, gwirfoddolwyr a phartneriaid busnes o ran cynorthwyo plant a phobl ifanc i gyrraedd eu potensial yn greadigol trwy ymarferol gymryd rhan mewn ystod o weithgareddau sy'n gwella bywyd. Anogir plant a phobl ifanc i ddatblygu medrau cymdeithasol a rhyngbersonol proffesiynoldeb, cyfrifoldeb ac ymrwymiad trwy waith tîm mewn ystod eang o bynciau.  mewn ystod eang o bynciau. Mae’r agweddau sy'n seiliedig ar berfformiad yn y rhaglen yn hogi eu sgiliau hunan-ymwybyddiaeth, gwrando, deall, arsylwi a chyfathrebu.


Mae Cyfoethogi yn cefnogi amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar gyfer plant ysgol ar draws y cwricwlwm - o gelf ddigidol i theatr, darllen i ddawns, cerddoriaeth i lenyddiaeth, a chrefftau i gasgliadau - y nod yw dysgu sgiliau a rhoi profiad ymarferol i blant a phobl ifanc, cyfoethogi eu dysgu a hybu eu hyder a datblygu sgiliau bywyd.



Mae celf a diwylliant yn ysbrydoli ac yn addysgu plant a phobl ifanc

am eu hunain ac am y byd o'u cwmpas.


Yn fyr, mae'n gwneud eu bywydau yn well!




Enriching Learning


The Enrichment initiative is designed to span the full spectrum of the Education curriculum, adding value to children’s classroom experience.  The Enrichment Co-ordinator designs, develops, invests in and facilitates a co-ordinated programme of high-quality creative, educational and cultural experiences for children and young people.  This creative learning initiative enriches their lives and acts as an invaluable extension to the classroom, pro-actively encouraging and supporting children and young people to realise their potential. 


The Enrichment initiative is committed to working in partnership with Headteachers, governors, teachers, pupils, parents, communities, volunteers and business partners, to assist children and young people to achieve and reach their potential creatively through hands-on participation in a range of life-enhancing activities.  Children and young people are encouraged to develop social and interpersonal skills, professionalism, responsibility and commitment through teamwork in a range of topics.  Performance based aspects of the programme hone their self-awareness, listening, understanding, observation and communication skills.


Enrichment supports a range of creative activities for school children and young people across the curriculum - from digital art to theatre, reading to dance, music to literature, and crafts to collections, the aim being to teach skills and, by doing so, give children and young people the benefits of hands-on experience, enriching learning and boosting confidence and developing life-skills.


Art and culture inspires and teaches children and young people

about themselves and about the world around them.


In short, it makes their lives better!

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